SAGE Excuse Terminator


Next to the telephone, perhaps the most important tool available to the professional collector!

Used by close to 5,000 accounts receivable personnel in more than 25 countries!



This unique product is applicable for either payment (consumer or commercial) or sales excuses. Use either the pre-loaded default excuses & responses or customize them. You can also add unique excuses & responses.

Great tool to have ready to handle difficult customers. No longer feel uncomfortable when you get a tough excuse. Great debt collection training tool.

Can also be used to explain to customers complicated internal work processes. E.g. “First you need to ……. Second…….”

If desired, you can now ensure all your collectors, especially new ones, use the same response to customer excuses or enquiries.

To find out more about this indespensible collection tool, even view a video, please click here.

Here is a sample page from “The Excuse Terminator”:

Debt Collections (Print version: click book to buy on

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Debt Collections (e-book version: click ‘Buy Now’ button to buy on PayPal)

List of companies where We have conducted training

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