
Bright Lantern is a Fee-Only Investment Adviser. This means the only way we make money is through upfront, transparent fees that we charge you.

Portfolio Management

Bright Lantern will manage your investments for a percentage of the assets under management. We believe that the typical 1% of assets under management fee charged by many advisers is inconsistent with our low-cost investment philosophy, so we are proud to offer the following assets under management fee schedule:

First $200,000 0.75%
Next $800,000 0.5%
Above $1,000,000 0.25%

We charge a minimum of $1,000 per year for portfolio management.

Financial Planning

Bright Lantern offers as-needed financial planning to address all your financial questions: from investment advice to saving for a child’s education to spending money in retirement so you don’t run out. After a free consultation to understand your needs, we will let you know how many hours it will take to address your questions. We charge $200/hour for Financial Planning services. If after receiving investment advice from Bright Lantern you choose to take advantage of our Portfolio Management service, we will reduce your first year’s portfolio management fee by the amount you paid for investment advice.

Debt Collections (Print version: click book to buy on Amazon.com)

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Debt Collections (e-book version: click ‘Buy Now’ button to buy on PayPal)

List of companies where We have conducted training

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